Dette er en blogg hvor vi vil forsøke å dokumentere fiskeopplevelser gjennom sesongen. Håper også det vil være mulig å plukke opp gode tips om fluevalg og fisketips.
lørdag 27. september 2008
Oppsynsrunde- Renaelva
Er ute på en oppsynsrunde i Renaelva nå (greit å sjekke litt...) :) Nydelige høstfarger og fin luft!
My son gets better and better at fly fishing. He trotted of to a little pool on the otherside of the island we fished round and came back with a smile and a big grayling. He had already cleaned the fish and was proud as a peacock. It was the biggest grayling of this afternoon.
Nice fishing weather with active fish and insects. My oldest son got his first grayling on the fly. With tight fit waders he has lots of fun and is eager to catch more. More did follow. Maybe the start of a life long fly-fishing career. Very good rises that produced a lot of good sized fishes.